AI algorithms in the medical field

Pioneer in 3d technlogy

Our artificial intelligence algorithms in the medical field lead to pioneering 3d technlogy solutions and products for visualisation, 3d printing, tailored implants and many more....

With our medical technology expertise we developed several groundbraking products and solutions. At core stand our ai technology for transforming data into visual output for pre-operation planning in the areas of mouth jaw face surgery, neuro-radiology, and orthopedics automation of complex manual work. With our visualization technologies combined with our propietary artificial intelligence automation algorithms we could reduce works of more than six weeks down to two hours.

As end result of full automated process stand our revolutionary pantented medical and orthetic products and solutions. The 3d printable end products stand even more than a decade for highest performance for patients and doctors and are in use by world leading companys as Ottobock.

High customized solutions

It began by capturing data on small, soft body parts such as ears, noses and eyeballs so that they could be replaced when they were impaired by serious accidents or diseases such as carcinoma. Our technology staff restructured and redesigned the captured digital data to create highly realistic prosthetics.

Later, they began to do the same with larger areas of the body such as arms, legs and the spine, which led the company to later develop 3D orthopedic devices and equipment used to support, align, prevent and correct deformities or even improve the function of moving parts of the human body.

Examples of these were custom-made splints for legs, arms, or corsets for the spine and ruffs for the neck, which could be used as additional support and improved areas of low muscle tone in your mobility. In some cases, the splints were to be worn by people who had had an accident or were recovering from the harmful effects of a stroke. Although a person's muscles were still present, their use was blocked by the brain, so support was needed to help these people become more mobile in coping with the situations.

Precision in products and services from the medical sector

Our smart engineering has built up on this basis and benefits from the experience of the highest requirements and precision of products and services from the medical sector for all other engineering products and services where the highest quality with simultaneous maximum time-to-market - also with batch size 1 - typically characterize the requirements.

From precision in the medical field products to mass adaption

With the basis technology we established several products in the gaming, filming, entertainment and besides other the architectue business.